Tips for Website Design

The design of a website is critical to its success. Not only does it impact the user’s first impression of your brand, but it can also affect their overall experience and the likelihood of returning. Therefore, prioritizing website design when establishing an online presence is crucial.

Statistics show that website design can make or break a website’s success. For instance, 38% of users will stop visiting a website they judge to have an unattractive layout, and 57% of users won’t recommend a website if it has bad mobile web design. To succeed, you need to please the masses, and we’ve got some tips to help you plan a website.

Here are some tips to improve the design of your website:

  • Include your contact information on the website. Almost half of all visitors will exit from a website if it has no way to get in touch. Make sure it’s easy to find and display a good selection of ways to contact you to cover all the various circumstances the user could be in. By including your contact information, you can establish trust with your audience and make it easier for them to reach out to you with questions or concerns.
  • Showcase your products and services on the home page. Most people want to see the products and services you offer at a glance. By displaying your offerings on the homepage, you can help users quickly understand what your business is all about and what you can offer them.
  • Include an “about us” page. Half the people want to see an “about us” section on the homepage, so having it on the homepage typically is better than on a separate page. By providing users with an “about us” section, you can give them a better understanding of your brand and what sets you apart from the competition. This can help establish trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Use bullet points to make lists stand out and be more likely to get read. By formatting your content in a way that’s easy to read and digest, you can help ensure that users stick around to learn more about your brand.
  • Keep your colours consistent. If you have brand colours, use them. People will remember a website by its colours, not its content. By using consistent colours throughout your website, you can establish a strong visual identity for your brand and make it easier for users to recognize your website in the future.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. With mobile devices accounting for over half of all internet traffic, it’s crucial to ensure that your website is optimized for smaller screens. This can include using responsive design, optimizing images and videos, and ensuring that buttons and links are easy to tap on a touch screen.

These are just a few tips. Use them to recognize when your own website is looking outdated or not generating enough leads.

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