Cameras in Barns
In the modern world of farming, it is becoming increasingly popular for farmers to install cameras in their chicken barns. This provides them with a convenient way to monitor their livestock. It can help the farmer to catch signs of stress or illness quickly and also assists them in monitoring that waterers and feeders are functioning as they should. Some have also set cameras up as a way to watch the incoming eggs while sorting at a different table!
Following are some recommendations from Renato.
· Install a main camera in the center of your barn with 360 degree PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom). This enables you to look all over your barn and zoom into problem areas.
· Point a few static cameras at feed belts, waterers, etc.
· Use cameras that are water and dust resistant.
· Try using cameras with low-light performance and infrared for monitoring when the lights are off.
· Make sure there is an internet connection to your barn, so you can view your cameras remotely.
Below, we have reviews from our customers on their barn cameras..
Clarke Goossen - Installed cameras to monitor his egg packing. "Aspen Lane installed cameras over our egg belt/conveyor so we can watch to ensure even egg flow, as well as any accidents can be identified quickly. It works real well!"
Matt Penner - Has a camera inside his chicken barn. "I really like the Unifi Protect Camera that Aspen Lane recommended in our poultry farm. The picture is clear and the zoom in works great. The best option is that I can replay back with the video option. It's very user friendly."
Eric Goossen - Uses cameras inside his chicken barn. "I've been very happy with them, I use them all the time. I couldn't be without them."
Of course, cameras are not limited to chicken barns. They can be used for cattle, hogs, and many other industries. Contact us for more information or if you would like a quote on a camera install.